So, as we broke the ice and our couples began to get acquainted, we all marveled as always at how much all couples have in common. No two are alike, but we all have common wishes, common needs, common fears, common issues and common mistakes trying to manage them. That’s one of the great things about a group experience like Hold Me Tight®️. We see how alike we all are.
Together, our couples learned what attachment science can teach us about what all humans crave and how often and easily we get off track trying to meet those needs. As we began to make sense of it all, couples gained a new perspective on their relationship and their partner. They began to see one another in a new light. They learned new skills to connect deeply and practiced having conversations instead of confrontations. They learned about vulnerability and empathy. Each couple went at their own pace. No one was put on the spot. It was a safe, simple process.
But, in the span of two short days, our couples found that small risks can lead to big results in love. As they learned to go deeper together, they learned how to interrupt cycles of conflict, how to show up for one another, perhaps for the first time (or the first time in a very long time). Some healed very deep wounds. Others connected like never before. And one couple told us, “Thank you for saving our marriage.”
Hold Me Tight®️ is not miracle work (although some couples have seen it that way). Couples get out of it what they put into it. And we don’t do rebuilds in two days. But, however much couples accomplish in two days, all of our couples leave the workshop with a road map, a direction for connection that can last a lifetime. And, if you’re lost in the wilderness, a roadmap can be an absolute lifesaver. It can make all the difference.
For me, Hold Me Tight®️ is the most rewarding experience I’ve ever had as a helping professional. One of our couples said, “This should be required for every couple.” I don’t know about required, but it’s certainly available for every couple and I can’t imagine why two people who love one another wouldn’t want what Hold Me Tight®️ has to offer.
In so many ways, life is a “no risk, no reward” proposition. You get out what you put in. And Hold Me Tight®️ is “low risk and high reward.” But, don’t take my word for it. Your relationship is priceless to you. It literally impacts every facet of your life. Give it your best and let Hold Me Tight®️ help.
Check out all the details at the home page on this website and plan to join us in beautiful Orlando this November. We’d love to have you!